Season 1

July 4, 2018

007: Trading Places | Barry McCarthy and Assure Hedge

Barry McCarthy, founder and CEO of Assure Hedge, joins us this week to talk about bringing foreign currency hedging to the masses...and getting his boat licence!

Listen to the Episode
June 27, 2018

006: Talent Show | Karen Malone and Centaur

Karen Malone from Centaur Fund Services joins us to talk about constantly trying to stay like a start-up while building a large global business....and the challenge of hiring the right people.

Listen to the Episode
June 19, 2018

005: Started From The Bottom | Mai Santamaria

Mai Santamaria joins us this week to talk about how she fell into accounting and used it as a stepping stone to drive change across many well as sharing an unfortunate translation mistake!

Listen to the Episode
June 12, 2018

004: Real Friends | Sean Murphy, Ed Barrett-Shortt and Simpler

Sean Murphy and Ed Barrett-Shortt join us this week to talk about how Simpler is going to change the mortgage broking business and how they haven't had any arguments...yet!

Listen to the Episode
June 5, 2018

003: I Got a Story to Tell | Niamh Bushnell and TechIreland

Niamh Bushnell joins the show to talk about TechIreland, her journey to the US and home...and the art of storytelling!

Listen to the Episode
May 29, 2018

002: Thanks for the Sushi | Barry Brennan and Startup Investing

Barry Brennan joins us this week to talk about going from the corporate world to advising and investing in start-ups.....and his love of musical instruments!

Listen to the Episode
May 22, 2018

001: The ReUp | Brian Norton and Supply Finance

Brian Norton, co-founder and CEO of Supply Finance, joins our first episode of MoneyNeverSleeps to talk about what drives him, how he has had the entrepreneur 'bug' since college, going again with start-up number two....and his love of Lego!

Listen to the Episode