Payments Episodes

June 19, 2020

090: Money Talks #16: WhatsApp | Backstage | Revolut | Olivia

On this week's episode, Pete and Eoin dive into payments on WhatsApp, the paradox between investing in underrepresented founders and the current demographics of venture capital, and getting digitally closer to your spending through Revolut and Olivia.

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Nov. 22, 2019

065: Money Talks #5: Anne Boden, Chris Skinner and the Myths of Fint…

We once again get inside the minds of entrepreneurs by diving deep into a recent piece of content that struck a chord, and Chris Skinner's recent blog post on Starling's Anne Boden and her recent talk on the myths of fintech.

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July 11, 2019

052: Mission Statement - Ollie Walsh and PiPiT

Ollie Walsh, CEO and co-founder of PiPiT, joins us to talk about enabling migrants to support their families back home cheaper and safer, prioritizing your pipeline, social impact....and his love of Tai Chi!

Listen to the Episode
June 28, 2019

051: Take One For the Team - Bo Brustkern and Lendit Fintech

Bo Brustkern from Lendit Fintech joins Pete Townsend to talk about finding creativity in finance, leading teams...and finding his Irish roots!

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June 20, 2019

050: Money in the Middle - Pascal Bouvier and MiddleGame Ventures

Pascal Bouvier of MiddleGame Ventures joins Eoin Fitzgerald on stage at a Nadifin Accelerator event in Ireland to talk about fintech today, the future and how results of upcoming elections can drive Transatlantic moves!

Listen to the Episode
April 24, 2019

043: Somebody to Love | Dan Calvert at the Dublin Tech Summit 2019

Dan Calvert, Head of Partnerships at N26, joins us on stage at Dublin Tech Summit to talk about building a bank that everyone loves!

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Oct. 24, 2018

023: Money Made Me Do It | Elaine Deehan and Pocketwire

Elaine Deehan from Pocketwire joins us on the show this week to talk about her soon-to-be launched money management product, her journey from banker to entrepreneur...and being fluent in Spanish!

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