Entrepreneurship Episodes

Aug. 14, 2020

098: Loyal to the Soil: Faye Walsh Drouillard and WakeUpCapital

Faye Walsh Drouillard from WakeUp Capital joins the show to talk about how her formative years and life experience drove her towards early stage impact investing, the two biggest challenegs we face as a global population and fuelling self confidence with humility, constant curiousity and a drive to…

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Aug. 7, 2020

097: Money Talks #20: Microsoft Goes TikTok and Monzo on the Clock

This week, Pete and Eoin dive into the curious deal brewing between Microsoft and TikTok, a crystal ball view into what's going on with the challenger bank Monzo, all topped off with the recent news on Square and piped-in crowd noise for Pete's beloved Boston Red Sox.

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July 31, 2020

096: The Trilogy: Elaine Deehan, Starling Bank and EWPN

Elaine Deehan is back on the show with Pete Townsend to talk about "the trilogy" of her earlier career as the perfect foundation for her well-timed leap into Starling Bank, analogies to chocolate, startups, the London Underground and big bank tech and the benefit of talking to customers at 2am.

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July 17, 2020

094: Natural Born Starter: Gene Murphy and Startup Boost

Gene Murphy, co-founder of Startup Boost joins our first video edition of the podcast to talk about his earliest entreprenurial experiences, the overnight evolution of Startup Boost to the virtual world, the art of mentorship...and his short-lived reign as Ireland's number one male Health and Beaut…

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July 9, 2020

093: Be Direct: Zac Liew & Curlec

Zac Liew, co-founder and CEO of Curlec joins the show to talk about the societal influences of what works well in fintech, how Curlec is enabling the subscription economy in Southeast Asia and getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

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June 19, 2020

090: Money Talks #16: WhatsApp | Backstage | Revolut | Olivia

On this week's episode, Pete and Eoin dive into payments on WhatsApp, the paradox between investing in underrepresented founders and the current demographics of venture capital, and getting digitally closer to your spending through Revolut and Olivia.

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June 12, 2020

089: All In a Day's Work: Garrett Cassidy & Trezeo

Garrett Cassidy, co-founder and CEO of Trezeo, joins the show to talk about making financial services accessible to independent workers, the snowball effect of impacting people's lives, mental health perspectives in the startup community....and the impact of scuba diving on his ability to communica…

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May 29, 2020

087: Ultra Violet: Conor McGinn & Akara

Conor McGinn from Akara joins the show to talk about the human side of robotics, drawing motivation from skeptics, having all of the ingredients to scale a robotics and artificial intelligence business in Ireland....and how Akara are like a prize fighter in the best shape of their life just waiting…

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May 15, 2020

085: Money Talks #13: Finn Murphy - Seed Investing in Ireland

Finn Murphy from Frontline Ventures joins the show to talk about a people-centric view to investing in early stage startups, what it takes to scale Irish startups to nine-figure revenue levels, what typically lures Irish startups to the UK, US or Continental Europe, and how his own competitive driv…

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May 1, 2020

083: The Search: Ash Quinn and VideoRankMe

Ash Quinn from VideoRankMe joins the show to talk about her journey from a law degree to digital startups, the benefits of overcommunication when you have distributed teams around the world....and being a Gaeilgeoir! (go ahead, google it!)

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April 24, 2020

082: Money Talks #11: Startup Support, Marc Andreessen's Build & Surv…

In another edition of our Money Talks segment, Pete Townsend and Eoin Fitzgerald air their thoughts on the startup support plan announced in the UK, Marc Andreessen's 'Build' essay, and NFX's recent post on how startups can survive a downturn.

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April 17, 2020

081: [REPLAY] Work From Home - Vanessa Tierney and Abodoo

In a special replay episode from Season 1 that we just couldn't resist bringing back with everyone around the world working from home of late, we talk to Vanessa Tierney, co-founder and CEO of Abodoo, the fastest growing SaaS platform for people and companies embracing 'Smart Working'.

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April 3, 2020

080: Money Talks #10: Your Pursuit of Happiness While the World’s on…

In another crossover episode, this time with Your Pursuit of Happiness, Paul Smyth and Pete Townsend talk through how to keep things running in your work life and your home life, two things that have become one since the world caught fire. They dig into VC funding, hiring, startup decisions, trans…

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Feb. 28, 2020

077: I Might Need Security (v2) - Luke Sully and Custody Digital Group

Luke Sully, founder and CEO of Custody Digital Group joins the show to talk about his path into digital assets from an IT security background, building a business through aligning the interests of talented people, why he's basing his operations in Ireland.....and his love of the merengue!

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Feb. 21, 2020

076: [Replay] Money Made Me Do It - Elaine Deehan

In a special replay of one of the best episodes of 2018, Pete Townsend talks to Elaine Deehan about her entry into fintech, her startup ambitions....and her love of the Spanish language!

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