This week we talk to David Vatchev, Venture Development Lead at R3, on what it takes to survive uncertainty, stay relevant to investors while the venture capital cycle slows down, and also understand, measure and speed up the enterprise sales cycle...a bi
Rudi Falat from the Voice of Fintech podcast joins Pete Townsend to riff on crossing over from the corporate world into the startup ecosystem, learning by doing, startup and corporate collaboration....and flipping the table with the final question on every MoneyNeverSleeps episode!
Ivailo Jordanov from 7Percent Ventures joins Pete Townsend to share his story of powering the search engine pioneers of the dotcom era, his incurable optimism, becoming an early-stage tech investor....and being yet another person on the show admitting to not being able to swim!
Pascal Bouvier of MiddleGame Ventures joins Eoin Fitzgerald on stage at a Nadifin Accelerator event in Ireland to talk about fintech today, the future and how results of upcoming elections can drive Transatlantic moves!
Rich Corbett from joins us on the show today to discuss supporting start-ups, lessons learned...and his new-found love of hurling!!
Martin Cass from Barclays joins us on the show to talk about banking, working with startups...and his one foray into the boxing ring!
Helen Fullen from NDRC joins us on the show to talk about supporting entrepreneurs of all sizes and stages...and breaking the mould in London!
Chris Adelsbach, MD of Techstars, joins us to talk about his journey from entrepreneur to angel investor, and supporting founders as an investor, mentor and occasional agony aunt!