054: Startup Insights #1: Hard Decisions

The MoneyNeverSleeps crew picked out six founders from past episodes talking about the hard decisions they've made along the way, including taking the leap, operating without a playbook, building teams, penetrating new markets, and finding your way home from the middle of Cambodia!
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In this first episode of Startup Insights, a special edition of MoneyNeverSleeps, we've compiled the thoughts shared in previous episodes by six startup founders on the hard decisions they've made along the way. Some of our founders are early days, and some are a bit further down the road, and you can tell that their differing perspectives and states of mind are somewhat related to how far along they are in their journey. In order of appearance, here are the featured founders:
- Stefan Uygur, co-founder & CEO of 4Securitas (ep 33)
- Andrew Patrick White, founder & CEO of FundApps (ep 35)
- Jennifer Hourihane, founder & CEO of Oathello (ep 36)
- Graham Rodford, co-founder & CEO of Archax (ep37)
- Andrea Reynolds, founder & CEO of Swoop (ep 41)
- Sean Faughnan, co-founder & CEO of 'Project Salmon' (ep 42)
We hope you all enjoy the compact format, shortened down to less than 20 minutes!