Lou Kerner

Lou Kerner Profile Photo

Founder, Crypto Oracle Collective & Crypto Mondays

Nov. 17, 2023

239: Web3 Wishlist | What Would You Like Web3 Founders to Solve?

Pete Townsend introduces an insightful line-up of entrepreneurs and investors who share their thoughts on web3. Opinions are gathered around what aspects they hope to see web3 founders solve - their web3 wishlist - focusing on topics such as user experience, digital identity, decentralized finance…
Nov. 3, 2023

237: All Around the World | Lou Kerner | Crypto Oracle Collective

Lou Kerner is the founder of the Crypto Oracle Collective, a decentralized web3 advisory firm, and also the DAO for Crypto Mondays, which is the largest crypto meetup in the world with active chapters in 54 cities.
Guest: Lou Kerner