Lambert Despaux, partner at Schema Capital, talks to Pete Townsend about empowering entrepreneurs building in the distributed ledger technology space, the startup ecosystem in Israel, societal impacts of DLT....and his love of electronic music!
"Pete Townsend goes solo" would have been a better headline in the '70's, but our Pete takes the mic in this episode to unpack the realities and economics of funding pre-seed and seed-stage startups through the lens of Finn Murphy from Frontline Ventures
In this special segment, we feature four founders sharing how they dealt with one thing they didn't expect to face as a founder - Martin Brown from Unitek, Lizzy Hayashida from Change Donations, Andrew Mullaney from Premind and Paul Smyth from Top Tier Recruitment.
Sorcha Mulligan, founder of the SMEChain, joins us on the show to talk about her journey into entrepreneurial ventures, addressing the SME digital divide with blockchain and distributed ledger technologies...and facing her fears through scuba diving!
We once again get inside the minds of entrepreneurs by diving deep into a recent piece of content that struck a chord, and Chris Skinner's recent blog post on Starling's Anne Boden and her recent talk on the myths of fintech.
Eddie Dillon from CreditLogic joins us on the show to talk digital transformation, making the move from corporate to entrepreneur...and his love of skiing!
Recorded live in Dublin at the BFC EU 2019 conference on DLT and emerging tech, Zeeshan Feroz from Coinbase and Pete Townsend took the stage for a fireside chat on Coinbase's institutional presence, custody as a building block of the crypto economy and crypto regulation.
In this next edition of our Money Talks format, Ciaran Walshe from Fund Recs joins us to talk about joining a startup, scaling it, the origins of the Adminovate conference and what to expect for Adminovate 2020.
We get back into the interview format this week as Paul Smyth returns to the show to talk about his new coaching venture (, getting to the lightbulb moments, the importance of trust and fairness in business relationships....and channeling Wendy Rhodes from Billions!
We continue this week with our second edition of Money Talks - Rachel Kenny from HubSpot covers the basics of startup marketing and Bernadette Wijnings from Blanco tells her story about digital asset management and raising capital from VCs.
In a new format we're trying with MoneyNeverSleeps, we try to get inside the minds of three entrepreneurs by riffing on recent tech news and venture stories. This episode includes a look at central bank ambitions of the sovereigns pushing back on Mark Zuckerberg's crypto project, Adam Neumann's We…
In an excerpt from Flagship Marketing's webinar "How to Survive and Thrive with Your Investor", Jo van de Velde from Euroclear and our own Pete Townsend talk about how important it is to communicate with your investor to maximize the value they can add.
Andrew Mullaney joins us on the show to talk stock markets, perception, the entrepreneurial bug...and living an unassuming life!
Lizzy Hayashida from Change Donations joins us on the show to talk how small change can lead to big impact...and her new-found love of Tipp hurling!!
Martin Brown from Unitek joins the show to talk about moving from analogue to digital, eliminating paperwork...and his love of Man United!!
The MoneyNeverSleeps crew picked out six founders from past episodes talking about the hard decisions they've made along the way, including taking the leap, operating without a playbook, building teams, penetrating new markets, and finding your way home from the middle of Cambodia!
Claus Christensen, CEO of Know Your Customer, joins us to talk about racing cars, airplane engines, regulatory technology...and his love of marathons!
Ollie Walsh, CEO and co-founder of PiPiT, joins us to talk about enabling migrants to support their families back home cheaper and safer, prioritizing your pipeline, social impact....and his love of Tai Chi!
Bo Brustkern from Lendit Fintech joins Pete Townsend to talk about finding creativity in finance, leading teams...and finding his Irish roots!
Pascal Bouvier of MiddleGame Ventures joins Eoin Fitzgerald on stage at a Nadifin Accelerator event in Ireland to talk about fintech today, the future and how results of upcoming elections can drive Transatlantic moves!
Dan Ramamoorthy, otherwise known as 'DanRam', joins us on the show to talk about traveling the world as a speaker, entrepreneur, artist and coach...and his love of chocolate!
Paul Nunan from Link Asset Services joins us on the show to talk about entrepreneurial tendencies...and his love of juggling!
Matthew Le Merle joins us on the show to talk about angel investing, venture investing and why he's written a few books!
Dean Klatt, founder and CEO of Irish startup Seed Golf, joins us on the show to discuss building the next great golf brand from Ireland.