016: Work From Home | Vanessa Tierney and Abodoo

Vanessa Tierney from Abodoo joins us this week to talk about building communities and educating the masses to the idea of smart working!
Vanessa Tierney is the co-founder of Abodoo
Abodoo was created (like most well meaning ideas are) to solve a problem. How to fix the issues around sourcing great talent without being restricted by sq footage or commuting. Through smart working we believe that companies can grow and communities can thrive by allowing professionals the freedom to work and live where they choose. Technology now allows that choice and through Abodoo we aim to offer real life changing opportunities and true work life harmony.
Abodoo has recently teamed up with Vodafone to promote and support remote working for Irish businesses. The two companies will work together to educate employers on the benefits of smart working, including attracting and retaining talent, promoting diversity and inclusion, and a healthy work-life balance.
The Wexford-based tech firm has been recently granted €100,000 in funding from Enterprise Ireland following its recent expansion into the UK market. Enterprise Ireland has designated Abodoo as a 'High Potential Start-Up' (HPSU).
The company has now secured over €400,000 in investments to date.
Voxpro founder Dan Kiely - who sold his company last year for an estimated €150m - invested €200,000 in the budding site at the start of the year. Tom O’Neill, New Work Junction and e-learning company Laragh Courseware also invested in the tech startup.