Brian McNulty, founder and CEO of FundAdminChain (FAC), joins the show to talk about solving a real business problem with distributed ledger technology (DLT), how funding your business takes a team effort, enabling positive change for the investment funds industry and end investors…and his secret l…
This week we talk to David Vatchev, Venture Development Lead at R3, on what it takes to survive uncertainty, stay relevant to investors while the venture capital cycle slows down, and also understand, measure and speed up the enterprise sales cycle...a bi
Ash Quinn from VideoRankMe joins the show to talk about her journey from a law degree to digital startups, the benefits of overcommunication when you have distributed teams around the world....and being a Gaeilgeoir! (go ahead, google it!)
In a special replay episode from Season 1 that we just couldn't resist bringing back with everyone around the world working from home of late, we talk to Vanessa Tierney, co-founder and CEO of Abodoo, the fastest growing SaaS platform for people and companies embracing 'Smart Working'.
Dermot Walsh from Each & Other talks with Pete Townsend about delivering delightful user experiences, leading through people, putting yourself into the shoes of the customer...and his moonlighting gig as a community radio DJ!
We continue this week with our second edition of Money Talks - Rachel Kenny from HubSpot covers the basics of startup marketing and Bernadette Wijnings from Blanco tells her story about digital asset management and raising capital from VCs.
Andrew Mullaney joins us on the show to talk stock markets, perception, the entrepreneurial bug...and living an unassuming life!
Martin Brown from Unitek joins the show to talk about moving from analogue to digital, eliminating paperwork...and his love of Man United!!
The MoneyNeverSleeps crew picked out six founders from past episodes talking about the hard decisions they've made along the way, including taking the leap, operating without a playbook, building teams, penetrating new markets, and finding your way home from the middle of Cambodia!
Claus Christensen, CEO of Know Your Customer, joins us to talk about racing cars, airplane engines, regulatory technology...and his love of marathons!
Ollie Walsh, CEO and co-founder of PiPiT, joins us to talk about enabling migrants to support their families back home cheaper and safer, prioritizing your pipeline, social impact....and his love of Tai Chi!
Meredith Moss from Finomial joins us on the show to talk all things RegTech, to share her journey as an entrepreneur...and her love of composting!
Graham Rodford from Archax joins us to talk about building bridges between blockchain and the traditional investment world...and his love of MMA!
Andrew Patrick White from FundApps joins us to talk about his travels as an entrepreneur over the past 9 years....and traveling to over 113 countries!
Pete Townsend gets into the hotseat to talk about working with startups, how being helpful is in his DNA....and his love of baseball and statistics!