Diversity Episodes

Nov. 22, 2024

276: Sponstar and the Rise of Fractional Sponsorship with Manu | Excl…

This week, we’ve got an exclusive interview with Manu, the founder and CEO of Sponstar, the fractional sponsorship marketplace that’s leveling the playing field for small and mid-sized brands to access high-profile sponsorship opportunities.

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March 1, 2024

250: The World is Yours | Brian Zwerner, W3 Studio & Beyond the Game …

Brian Zwerner is the President and Founder of W3 Studio, and a VC and Founder of Beyond the Game Network.  As the President and Founder of W3 Studio, a 501c3 non-profit venture studio, Brian and his team help diverse founders in Atlanta build startups in web3. W3 Studio partners with corporations a…

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Dec. 4, 2020

114: Changes | Mick Sweeney on Markets, Society, Leadership and Digit…

Mick Sweeney, CEO of PineBridge Investments in Ireland, joins the show to talk about what triggered his early interest in the financial markets, the nascent opportunity to transform the fund management industry in Ireland, the outcome of his long-term commitment to diversity, thoughts on post-pande…

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Oct. 30, 2020

109: Firestarter | Brian Mac Mahon and Expert DOJO

Brian Mac Mahon, Head Honcho at Expert DOJO, joins us to riff on solving America’s entrepreneurship problem, the Israeli model as best practice for a startup nation, his objective to scale those solutions globally….and starting fires for the betterment of all!

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Sept. 11, 2020

102: Connector: Jean Evans and Venture Business Network

Jean Evans from the Venture Business Network joins the show this week to share her insights on how to get started with professional networks, building your own board of advisors by developing your network, and being a master networker and a shy introvert at the same time.

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Aug. 14, 2020

098: Loyal to the Soil: Faye Walsh Drouillard and WakeUpCapital

Faye Walsh Drouillard from WakeUp Capital joins the show to talk about how her formative years and life experience drove her towards early stage impact investing, the two biggest challenegs we face as a global population and fuelling self confidence with humility, constant curiousity and a drive to…

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Feb. 14, 2020

075: Spiritual - Erin Grover

Erin Grover joins Pete Townsend to talk about her journey into crypto and digital assets, opening up the niche space of crypto hedge funds to professional investors, being guided by her own human nature of wanting to help others...and the massive opportunity in replacing ballot boxes hauled by noma…

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Nov. 22, 2019

065: Money Talks #5: Anne Boden, Chris Skinner and the Myths of Fint…

We once again get inside the minds of entrepreneurs by diving deep into a recent piece of content that struck a chord, and Chris Skinner's recent blog post on Starling's Anne Boden and her recent talk on the myths of fintech.

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Sept. 1, 2019

056: Loose Change - Lizzy Hayashida and Change Donations

Lizzy Hayashida from Change Donations joins us on the show to talk how small change can lead to big impact...and her new-found love of Tipp hurling!!

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March 13, 2019

038: Friends & Respect | Lisa White | Vessy Tasheva | Laura Smyth | P…

A bumper episode this week with Pete Townsend joined by Paul Smyth, Laura Smyth, Lisa White and Vessy Tasheva to discuss all things diversity in the workplace and life.

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Dec. 5, 2018

029: Why Not Me | Helen Fullen and NDRC

Helen Fullen from NDRC joins us on the show to talk about supporting entrepreneurs of all sizes and stages...and breaking the mould in London!

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Sept. 12, 2018

017: In My Feelings | Laura Smyth, Paul Smyth and Top Tier Recruitment

Husband and wife team, Paul & Laura Smyth, join us this week to talk about their journey as partners in life and business, and why entrepreneurship was the natural fit for both!

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Aug. 22, 2018

014: The Kids Aren't Alright | Lisa Smith and EngageSmith

Lisa Smith from EngageSmith joins us on the show this week to talk about becoming an entrepreneur and to how to speak the language of Millennials!

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July 10, 2018

008: Pay It Forward | Lisa White and Spireworks

Lisa White joins us this week to talk about transforming organizations and mental health challenges.

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