Sept. 1, 2019

056: Loose Change - Lizzy Hayashida and Change Donations

056: Loose Change - Lizzy Hayashida and Change Donations

Lizzy Hayashida from Change Donations joins us on the show to talk how small change can lead to big impact...and her new-found love of Tipp hurling!!

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Lizzy Hayashida is CEO of Change Donations.  You can follow Lizzy on Twitter @LizzyH and keep track of what she's up to with @ChangeDonations.

At Change Donations, we believe that making an impact is not about how much you can give, it’s about giving what you can to those in need. At Change Donations we make giving easy. Our mission is to help people change the world through everyday spending. We are a community of everyday philanthropists donating one cent at a time to incredible causes that are inspiring positive change across the globe.

The foundational pillars here at Change Donations are Transparency, Passion, Integrity, and Community.